In June our center Beit Hesda continued taking an active part in service to people who are in a hard social situation in Tel Aviv. Feeding the homeless and talking to alcoholics and drug addicts. Telling them that there is a way out of their situation and that there is hope for salvation and opportunity to change their lives in Jesus Christ. Explaining them and showing with our own personal testimony that everything is possible in Jesus Christ. Thus we bring the Good News to perishing people. We do this every Monday, every week.
As concerning the brothers who are going through the rehabilitation program, they are continuing to be strengthened in God. Currently, we are preparing diligently for water baptism. The deacon of the local church makes preliminary conversations with them. Also, we have a regular study of the Scriptures. Our main purpose is to direct people to Christ and to show them the Love of God through warm personal relationships between people who live in the rehab center.
In June our center also continued to take part in prayer meetings in different towns of Israel, such as Caesarea, Maalot, Nazareth. It is one inspiration for our center to keep an active prayer life. We also got to meet and fellowship with other rehab centers that are focused in the same direction with us, which is the Evangelical Spirit. In these meetings there was a lot of personal fellowship and joint prayers. There the brethren from the other centers inspired us greatly.
This month we also got the chance to get outside on a fishing trip on the Sea of Galilee with the leading bishop of our church. There we had a wonderful time together.
Last but not least this month our rehab center was invited to our brother’s wedding from the church of Caesarea. He finished his rehabilitation in one of the rehabs of our brotherhood. Today we see the fruits of this service. Together we shared the joy of our brother and glorified and worshiped our God