Welcome to Bait Ham Hesda

Empowering People To Live A Fulfilling Life With God

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals who supper from substance abuse so they can live a fulfilled life how it was intended by God

Latest News

Read about success stories of what God is doing at Bait Ham Hesda. Also, be informed of all the latest news and events of the life of the center.  

How can we help

We provide a holistic approach to every individual. Our help is not only physical, and medical but is also spiritual. 




Street Outreach

Biblical Tours

“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter."

Get Involved

There are many ways to help our cause


By giving you are empowering us to be your hands and feet to help those whose lives are overcome by addictions


Join us on one of our trips to Tel Aviv or Haifa to feed the hungry, witness of Christ and assist those that need help

Do you or one of your family members have a need for assistance in overcoming an addiction?

We can help you!