Aug / Sep Newsletter

Street Ministry: 

Our rehab center Beit – Hesda is continuing to carry the ministry of the good news in the city of Tel Aviv. In the month of August we continued to feed the homeless. Those that are addicted to drugs and alcholoe and just those that are also in need. Those that are on substance obuse we testified and let them know that there is a way out. To them we also gave out our beit Hesda contact cards. The results were that 3 people agreed and joined the rehab centers that are in Israel. One person to our center and the other two to different ones. Likewise we expanded our street ministry that we also started to walk random streets and just testify about Jesus.   

Collaboration with Other Israel Rehab Centers:  

We are actively meeting other rehab centers in Israel. Staying in fellowship with them and collaborating on what is effective and what is not in our ministry. Our common goal and mission is to reach as many people for Christ who are bound by substance abuse. Not just help them materialistically but above all to point to Christ. 

Humanitarian Help

In the month of September we started participating in the giving out of food to those that have recently immigrated to Israel, lonely and needy elderly, and Ukranian refugees. We had to put together the food bags that included canned food, tea, sweets, flour, sugar, other dried foods. There we also had the opportunity witnessed to others about Christ. 

Participation at Church:

Our rehab center is continuing to visit and participate in the church services in a city called Maalot as well as in Karmiel, as well as other cities like Caesarea, Ashdod, and Nazareth. We are given the chance to speak messages about Christ from the Bible, as well as our personal testimonies on what God is currently doing in our lives. People from the services they come up to us after the services and share on how they are inspired by seeing the changed lives, how people are almost literally resurrected to a new life. 

Personal Testimonies for the Month

Yura Testimony


  • This month Yuriy has full finished the preparation for Water Baptism and is received the blessing from the church for this next step in his walk with Christ. He will become an official member of the church and will be able to integrate more into serving in the church. Right now he is just waiting for the water baptism assigned date. 
  • The Lord has also helped for him to receive the status of disability. Now he will have an income from the goverment and to be more dedicated to the ministry and serving. 


  • Has also finished his preparation for Water baptism. With the Lord’s help he also has concluded the rehabilitation time in the center and has move out into his own independent life. The church helped and is helping him in this his decide to be strengthened in God. As well as with employment and a place to stay. He sees the help that the church is providing for him to better integrate into society. 


  • We want to thank everyone who is supporting us in their prayers and also financially. Also to those that are serving us through fellowship, taking the time to know how we are doing. We want to let you know that all this support is very important and needed for us. 
  • Currenty a war has started in Israel and in every day there is no certainty of what can happen. Yet we know that God hold our future. In the next monthly report we will write more in depth of what is going on here during the war and what God is doing. 

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